The registrations for our Pre School Campus Clifton and Pre School CampusKDA campuses (Grades: Reception, Prep 1 and Prep 2) has began. All applications can be submitted via our online form or directly to the selected campus in person which will be followed by an interview process.
For our Junior Campuses (Grades 1-5), Senior Heritage Campus (Grade 6-11) and Senior Campus Clifton (Grade 6-8)the admission registrations will begin in January 2024. All applications can be submitted via our online form or directly to the selected campus premises. For any further details, you can visit our website or contact our admissions helpline (available for each campus) and speak to our admissions officer to facilitate you in the process of your applications.
You can visit the campus directly and collect our admissions form from the admissions helpdesk or fill it online from our official campus tab on the website. Our helpdesk is set up in each campus to facilitate all your queries and if you need any further information, you can contact our admissions office in each campus. Please only select the campus you wish to apply to.
- Only completed applications and supporting documents will be processed and shortlisting of applicants will be done on a complete merit basis. Please make sure to select only the campus you wish to apply to and avoid any overlap and delays in your application process. A member from our admissions team will contact you if you have been shortlisted for the interview (and test, if applicable) process.
All entrance test days will be taking place within the Bay View High School premises and applicants will have to appear in person to sit for the test.
All information regarding the details on our supporting documents can be accessed by clicking on the desired campus tab on the website. It will guide you to your required information through our admissions tab. The same details are also available at our admissions help desk set up in our campus premises. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.
Our age criteria per class has been carefully designed to ensure every child thrives and gets the maximum out of their learning experience. If you wish to access this information again, you can visit the relevant campus tab on the website and select your campus of choice. It will guide you to the admissions tab and to your required information. These details are also available at our admissions help desk set up in our campus premises. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.
Your application will be under review and you will be updated on the status of your application after the screening process has been completed. Successful applications will be contacted with a date for the interview (and test if applicable) in the next two- three weeks.
Unfortunately, if your application has been unsuccessful at this time, we encourage you to re-apply in the future during our next admissions cycle in 2025-2026. We are happy to discuss your application in more detail if you wish, please contact us if you have any questions via email or phone.
We regret to inform you that our policy does not allow us to offer any discount to any students even if they have siblings or relatives already enrolled in our system.
We have always followed the British System of Education leading to the Cambridge system of GCE O-Level examinations
Most of our classrooms have strength of approximately 25 seats.
A child can appear for an online test upon the request of the parents and in the case that their school abroad agrees to administer the test of behalf of Bay View High School.
Parents with children applying from overseas may request their current school to administer the admissions test on their behalf. The management at Bay View High School will coordinate the date and time for the test to ensure all testing standards are adhered to and will facilitate the process. Once the student has successfully been shortlisted based on their entrance test results, they will appear for a virtual interview. All applicants will be shortlisted on merit basis.
Our Application process starts in October for Pre School Campus Clifton and Pre School Campus KDA campuses and in January for Junior and Senior Campuses for the academic year which begins in August. We close our admissions around April after filling all our seats but in the case that there is a vacancy in any class, we would consider an applicant based on their entrance test results and interview screening process.
Our entrance test is based on three subjects, English, Mathematics and Urdu. All our applicants appearing for this test will be judged on these three subjects.
Students have been successful in coping with a switch from the IB to the GCE level as they are both different and a student can easily adapt based on their own learning enthusiasm and ability.
All our campuses are based on a co-education system across all age groups.